Celebrating 100

100th Day Celebration

Explain to students that the 100th day of school is approaching. Briefly explain some of the upcoming activities. To begin, ask students to sit still and quiet for 100 seconds (not as easy as it sounds!). Then tell students much work has to get done before the 100th Day Celebration takes place. It will be a lot of fun, with “hundreds of ideas”.

Planning Guide

Creating Learner-Focused Schools

* Madison-Oneida BOCES – This document may not be reproduced in any form without the expressed written consent of the District Superintendent or his designee.

LU Title: 100th Day CelebrationAuthor(s):Kate Connolly
Grade Level: K-2School Address: Herkimer County B.O.C.E.S.
Gros Blvd.
Herkimer, NY 13350
Subject Area: ELA Standards 1 and 4 (Others addressed, but rubric not provided)School Phone/Fax: (315) 867-2000

Content Knowledge

Students will count to 100 by 1’s,2’s,5’s,10’s.Students will make “counting Charts” to display counting skills by 1’s,2’s,5’s,10’s.
Students will estimate time in seconds and minutes.Students will develop ideas for book entitled “I wish I had 100”, write and illustrate book for display.
Students will estimate distance.Students will draw picture showing life in 100 years from now.
 Students will identify different languages. Students will compare estimated responses with actual results after performing tasks in 100 seconds (writing name, jumping jacks, etc.).
 Students will identify places on a map. Students will collect 100 of the same object (cotton balls, bottle caps, paper clips, etc.) and construct a picture or out of them.
 Students will write and spell list of 100 words. Students will collect 100 canned goods and donate to local food pantry.
 Students will know different ways to make $1.00.Students will make change from $1.00. Students will e-mail and get 100 responses from different places in the world and locate the place on a map. Students will use ruler to cut out 100 uniform paper links to make chain using a pattern of colors. Students will count aloud and press thumbprints on T-shirts to make 100th Day Celebration Shirt for Celebration Day.

Essential Questions

  • How many ways can you count to one hundred?
  • If you had $1.00 (one hundred cents), what are some things you can buy?
  • How long does it take to do 100 jumping jacks?
  • How can counting to 100 be an example of a pattern?
  • How we can we help people in our community?
  • What are some things we can be thankful for?
  • How can we get information from many people all over the world?
  • What steps do we need to take when planning a project or celebration?

Initiating Activity

Explain to students that the 100th day of school is approaching. Briefly explain some of the  upcoming activities. To begin, ask students to sit perfectly still and quiet for 100 seconds (not as easy as it sounds!). When completed successfully, tell students a lot of work has to get done before the 100th Day Celebration takes place. It will be a lot of fun with “100’s of ideas.” Explain that they should put forth their best work as the entire school and perhaps the community will see their work. If all work is finished there will be a day of rest on the 101st day watching a favorite movie with this number!

Connection to State Learning Standards

Unit Theme: 100th Day Celebration

Level: 2

Benchmarks: Reading and discussion of literature from list of books, making of book, 100 word list, e-mailings, celebration invitations, organization of planning stages for projects Benchmarks: estimating time sills, estimating distance skills, money skills, counting skills, constructing sculpture/picture using specific amount of materials, computer skills to word process and access e-mail
Standard: ELA 1-4 Standard: MST 1,2,3,5,6,7
Benchmarks: recognize civic duties, further develop geographical understanding, enhance mapping skills, Benchmarks: identify languages of different countries, recognize basic words in these languages
Standard: Social Studies 3, 5 Standard: Languages Other than English 1, 2
Benchmarks: construct model using materials assigned, use variety of mediums to make poster, illustrate books  
Standard: The Arts 1, 2, 3  

Learning Experiences

Declarative Knowledge

What declarative knowledge should students be in the process of acquiring & integrating? As a result of the unit, the student will know or understand…What experiences or activities will be used to help students acquire & integrate this knowledge?What strategies will be used to help students construct meaning, organize and/or store the knowledge?Describe what will be done.
Students will estimate time.   Students will skip count  Students will estimate distance.   Students will identify other languages.  Students will read and write 100 words from list. Students will make $1 out of change in differing ways. Students will make change from $1. Students will predict how long it takes to do 100 jumping jacks, toe touches, or say something 100 times. Practicing aloud, making charts,  Ask student to predict how far 100 inches, feet will take them.   Listening to tapes, looking at books, and listening and repeating words spoken. Students will review words from previous lesson recite and write them on request.Students will use play money, worksheets to show ability to make $1. Students will use play money, worksheets to show ability to make change from $1. Graphic organizers will help compare estimations to actual results.  Use of grids to keep count and manipulative. Graphic organizers will help compare estimations to actual results.   Mnemonic devices, repeating, visual aids. Words will be grouped according to word families or by way in which they were learned. Graphic organizers, manipulative, visual aids, modeling with thinking aloud. Graphic organizers, manipulative, visual aids, modeling with thinking aloud. Relationship between + and – will be reinforced. Ask students how long in seconds it will take to 100 of a certain task. Record response. Perform task. Record actual time. Discuss results.Students will be assigned to make charts for display showing counting to 100 a certain way.Make 100 paper shaped feet that are one ft. and see how far they go. Compare estimations with actual results.Students will locate countries where different languages are spoken (Mexico, France, Italy), listen to basic words, repeat and memorize. When students have mastered their 100 word list, they will word process their list using different fonts. Students will accurately count with change to $1 and successfully complete worksheets. (May also earn play money as incentives to be cashed in for small items during day or week.) Students will accurately count or subtract to make change from $1 and successfully complete worksheets.

Procedural Knowledge

What procedural knowledge will students be in the process of acquiring & integrating? As a result of this unit, students will be able to:What will be done to help students construct models, shape & internalize the knowledge?Describe what will be done.
 Students will count to 100 by 1’s,2’s,5’s,10’s.   Students will develop ideas for book entitled “I wish I had 100”, write and illustrate book for display. Students will predict and draw picture showing life in 100 years form now.  Students will compare estimated responses with actual results after performing tasks in 100 seconds (writing name, jumping jacks, etc.).  Students will collect 100 of the same object (cotton balls, bottle caps, paper clips, etc.) and construct a picture or sculpture out of them. Students will collect 100 canned goods and donate to local food pantry.   Students will e-mail and get 100 responses from different places in the world and locate the place on a map.  Students will use ruler to cut out 100 uniform paper links to make chain using a pattern of colors.  Students will count aloud and press thumbprints on T-shirts to make 100th Day Celebration Shirt for Celebration Day.Make “100 Day Snack” by mixing a trail mix of 100 small foods. (cereal, raisins, choc. Chips, M&M’s, etc. 100 counting grids will be used, patterning will be displayed, repeated practice.  Students will use inventive spelling to write words in their books after brainstorming activities. Students will listen to literature and discuss movies, television shows depicting life in the future. They will then as a group chart their ideas of what certain aspects of life will be like.Students will guess how many times a certain task can be done in 100 seconds and chart responses. Discussion on seconds and minutes may need to be repeated. Reminder of initiating activity. Students will bring in 100 of an object (cotton balls, paper clips, etc.). They will be told assignment ahead of time as they may have an idea of what objects they will need. Give special attention to planning stage. Use graphic organizers to help.Inform students of civic duties to help others in community.  Help students e-mail different people in different states or countries to get responses to questions they have derived. (Many kid sites have links to do this. Ex. www.yahooligans.com)Students will learn to use ruler properly to measure and cut out uniform chain links from colored paper. They will make pattern with different colors to show how counting is a pattern. This will aid in skip counting. Students will make 100 thumbprints using fabric paint on a T-shirt. (It helps to group counting – 5’s or 10’s)Students will count out items. Skip counting may also be used. Grouping will also help. Students will construct charts counting to 100 with pictures or objects. Charts will display counting by 2’s, 5’5s, etc. depending on student’s ability.They will then write words for book and illustrate them. Students will use poster board and a variety of art materials to design poster depicting what they believe life will be like in 100 years.After predictions are made tasks will be done and counted. Chart results and compare to estimations.Students will plan and construct sculpture or picture. The planning and construction stage can be done with parents’ help at home or brainstorm with peer. This may take several days to complete. Organize food drive in school. Have students and teachers bring in canned goods and have students deliver them if possible.Help students locate places on map where responses came from. Try to get 100. Maybe even find some relatives?Students will make a paper chain with 100 links in small groups. Each may want to do specific task to speed up work.  Students will make T-shirts to wear on 100th Day of School. Students can eat and share snack on 100th Day.

Extending and Refining

What knowledge will students be extending and refining? Specifically, they will be extending and refining their understanding of…What reasoning process will they be using?Describe what will be done.
 Estimating Predicting life in future vs. past Differing cultures/customs Dual purposes of objects, especially for artistic expression Developing patterns Food groupsComparing Deducing Analyzing perspectives Abstracting  Analyzing errors Classifying Compare estimated results with actual results. Make picture showing life in 100 years from now e-mail students from other states or nations Make sculpture/statue out of 100 smaller objects.When discussing patterns in paper chains teacher can show some incorrect examples and ask why they are wrong.When separating can goods for distributions students can classify them in to different categories.
Planning Guide Unit:
Step 1Step 2Step 3
What knowledge will students be using meaningfully? Specifically, they will be demonstrating their understanding of and ability toWhat reasoning process will they be using?Describe student’s products and performances and the criteria for evaluation.
Construct large model out of smaller objects after planning and brainstorming Estimating Distance and timeRead futuristic books, (see list of books), discuss well known movies, etc.Understanding civic duties and how people in communities help each other.[ X ] Decision Making
(selecting from seemingly equal alternatives or examining the decisions of others)
[ X ] Problem Solving
(seeking to achieve a goal by overcoming constraints or limiting conditions)
[ X ] Invention
(creating something to meet a need or improve on a situation)
[X] Experimental Inquiry
(generating an explanation for a phenomenon and testing the explanation)
[ X] Investigation
(resolving confusions or contradictions related to a historical event, a hypothetical past or future event, or to the defining characteristics of something)
[ X] Systems Analysis
(analyzing the parts of a system and how they interact)
Criteria for evaluationCompare results to what was planned and determine effort put in to project.Compare closeness of prediction to actual result.See picture of life in 100 years. Does picture go along with discussions? How were predictions formed?Participation and understanding of food drive.


(This rubric was designed for use in a primary emotionally disturbed class. That is why reading, writing, listening, and speaking for information and social interaction are the primary focus. Rubric may be altered to use in other areas as well.)

What are the key elements, traits, or dimensions that will be evaluated? ELA Standard 1 and ELA Standard 4

Element #1Element #2Element #3Element #4
Elements  Participation in class. Accuracy of work. Completeness of home assignments. Cooperative working with others.
4 Took part activity, started on time, worked full time, stayed on taskWork is completely accurate, spelling, read correctly, information gathered correctlyAll work complete as directedShared tasks, talked politely
3Took part, difficulty starting, worked rest of time, few if any reminders to stay on taskMostly accurate, few misspellings, mispronunciationWork complete, but not as directedReminders needed to talk politely, share tasks
2Took part, difficult starting, did not work full time, several reminders to stay on taskSeveral errorsFew parts incompleteTime spent away from group
1Did not participateNo responses or work shown or read or all incorrectNo work completedRefused to work in group

NOTE: Rubric or other performance assessment instruments may be used.

Unit Schedule/Time Plan

This unit plan will take approximately two weeks to complete.

Written Overview

This is a unit to celebrate the 100th Day of school. If your school celebrates this day, these lessons may go along with your school’s day and be presented or you may wish to involve other classes with these activities. Many of the learning experiences described above can be altered to accommodate the needs and abilities of many students. This unit is geared toward the primary grades depending on abilities. Below is a list of teacher resources including great web site links to aid in modifying lessons to fit your needs.

Books you can use with the 100th Day of School:

One Hundred Monkeys by Daniel Cutler

I’ll Teach My dog 100 Words by Michael Frith

26 Letters and 99 cents by Tana Hoban

I Can Count to 100…Can You? by Katherine Howard

Ten Apples Up On Top by Theo LeSieg

One, Five, Many by Kveta Pacovska

One Hundred Angry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes

Numbers by John Reiss

1 to 100 Busy Counting Book by Amye Rosenberg

Annos’s Counting House by Mitsumasa Anno

From 1 to 100 by Teri Sloat

Ten Black Dots by Donald Crew

Twelve Ways to get to 11 by Eve Merriam



How to Write a Lesson Plan: 7 Steps